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Snapper Fishing, Delacroix Louisiana

Red snapper is definitely a staple when fishing Louisiana’s offshore waters. Louisiana hands down has the best red snapper fishery in the Gulf of Mexico and possibly the world. Most people are not aware that besides red snapper Louisiana hosts many other species of snapper. Mangrove snapper, lane snapper, vermilion snapper, and queen snapper are just a few of the other snappers you will encounter while fishing in Louisiana.

Grouper Fishing, Delacroix Louisiana

There are many different species of grouper. April is probably the best month, but they are caught year around. Fishing for these species is very similar to snapper fishing. Live or dead bait on the bottom, sometimes a jig may entice them also. It may seem like your reeling in a car, but I promise there will be a fish on the end of the line.